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 Tuesday, April 15, 2003


The Middle East


  • You must have wondered during the progress of the war: Where were the fearsome and respected Saddam Hussein's Republican Guards, when the Coalition Forces were nearing or in Baghdad? They didn't put up a fight worth mentioning; in fact they just disappeared into thin air!

  • If Le Monde's scoop article is to be believed, there was a done deal between the Commander of the Republican Guards and the American Forces. The deal went something like this as is presently known:

      In the deal, Maher Sufyan, Commander of the Republican Guard will order his forces to surrender in exchange for his transfer via an American Apache helicopter to an undisclosed safe haven. Sufyan then ordered all Republican Guard forces to lay down their arms and go home.

      Shortly thereafter an Apache helicopter escorted Sufyan from the Al Rashid camp, east of Baghdad, to an unknown location.

  • Last week, the US Military Command in Qatar gave to the coalition soldiers a deck of 55 playing cards with the photo on each card, the most wanted in Saddam's regime. Curiously, Maher Sufyan is not included on the infamous “deck of cards”. Also, the Iraq’s popular Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed Al Sahaf, Naji Sabri, Iraq’s Foreign Minister and Oumid Medhat Mubarak, the minister of health are also not included on the list. You can refer to this story on this dek of cards on this weblog on 12 April.

    Stay tune for this story to unfold further.

    Iraq’s popular Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed Al Sahaf
    We are going to miss him, his colorful language and his daily press briefings in Baghdad. Name not on the Coalition's deck of cards

    Iraq’s Foreign Minister, Naji Sabri . Name not on the Coalition's deck of cards

    Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister, Tariq Aziz aka Mikhael Hanna A trivial point of interest: Tariq Aziz, The eloquent Deputy Prime Minister in Saddam Hussein's Iraqi Government, is a Christian. His Christian name: Mikhael Hanna. Named on the Coalition's deck of cards

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