Israel Gets Dole, While US States Slash Services
By William Hughes,
Wednesday, July 02 2003
( William Hughes is the author of “Andrew Jackson vs. New World Order” (Authors Choice Press) and “Baltimore Iconoclast” (Writer’s Showcase).
Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) is one of Israel’s mouthiest cheerleaders in the U.S. Senate.
He also never misses a chance to give taxpayers’ money away, in the billions dollars each year, to the Tel Aviv regime.
Meanwhile, in Lieberman’s home state, Connecticut, school children can’t visit historical sites, like the Henry Whitfield House, because of state budget cuts. Funding for historical societies has been slashed across the country. Even in Illinois, sites associated with Abraham Lincoln have been forced to cut back on services.
You would think that somebody in Connecticut would have taken Lieberman to task for putting Israel’s interests before the state that is paying him his salary.
Nevertheless, Israel’s insatiable addiction to dipping into the pockets of the American taxpayers continues unabated.
A conservative tally of total direct U.S. aid to Israel, since 1949, is at $97.5 billion and counting (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs -WRMEA, 05/03 ).
So called U.S. “loans to Israel” are invariably converted into grants, as a result of the 1984 “Cranston Amendment.”
They are waived and never repaid, therefore allowing Neocons, like William Kristol, to brag that Israel has “never defaulted” on any U.S. loans.
This year, Shirl McArthur, author of the mentioned expose’, estimates Israel will receive about $3.06 billion in freebies, which doesn’t include “an additional $1 billion in military grants and $9 billion in economic loan guarantees from the president’s ‘war budget.’”
Annual direct grants, loans and loan guarantees, however, don’t tell the whole, miserable story of Israel’s role as a classic example of a foreign aid welfare queen.
The distinguished economist, Thomas R. Stauffer, in a shocking study, revealed that U.S. support for Israel, since the post WWII period, has cost the beleaguered taxpayers $3 trillion in indirect and consequential financial outlays.
Propping up Israel during its wars and military occupation of the Palestinian people, strategic aid to the Middle East area, oil supply guarantees to Israel, economic sanctions on Israel’s many enemies, preferential contracts, special trade advantages, loss of U.S. jobs, etc., are included in the data (See, WRMEA, 06/03).
At the same time, states like California, Colorado, New York, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, Ohio and Pennsylvania are also reeling from the fiscal crisis. California is by far the worst of the lot. Its budget deficit is a staggering $38 billion.
As of July 1, with no new budget being passed, it is officially broke! By September, its deficit could reach $40 billion. Community colleges, nursing homes and police academies are expected to be the first targets of the dreaded budget ax-man.
Things are so bad in California, that there is a petition movement afoot to recall the present Democratic governor, Gray Davis. The Republicans in the state legislature are doing everything in their power to block a budget agreement in order to weaken Davis even further.
It just so happens, that three prime members of the Congress’s notorious “Israeli Chorus,” represent California. In the Senate, there are Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, both Democrats. In the House, there is Rep. Tom Lantos, also a Democrat. He is a shameless apologist for Israeli wrongdoing and was one of the most virulent advocates of the U.S. led war with Iraq.
How these “Israeli Firsters” get away with taking care of their favorite charity, Israel, at the expense of local needs, without a whimper from their constituents, is a mystery to me!
In New York state, where fiscal crises are as normal as Daniel Pipes demonizing Arabs, Sen. Charles Schumer sits in the U.S. Senate. On any given day, he acts like Israel is his FIRST concern and NOT the people of New York State.
One effect of NY’s budget cutting is that students at the State University of NY (SUNY) will now face tuition fees of $4,350 a year, up $950 from the past year (NY Post, 03/30/03). Don’t the voters in NY state know what is going on in Washington? Huh?
Without new revenues, states are more than likely to slash their budgets in the area of public services. According to a report from the respected “Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,” the areas most likely to be impacted are: Health care, Elementary and secondary education, Higher education, Public safety, Aid to local governments, Child care, and the Arts. For this fiscal year, the budget shortfall is in the $80 billion range, the article predicted, “another $75 billion in shortfalls for FY 2004.”
Pennsylvania also deserves special mentioning. Although its budget deficit will run around $2.4 billion, it also has a man in the U.S. Senate, who appears incapable of saying “no” to any Israeli request for the taxpayers’ money. I’m talking about Arlen “Magic Bullet” Specter.
One of these days the good people of Pennsylvania, and the other states, too, are going to wake up and figure out they have been taken for a ride and played for suckers by these slick supporters of a voracious Zionist Israel.
Things could get worse!
Jerry Springer of TV trash notoriety, another knee jerk supporter of Israel, is thinking of running for the U.S. Senate, as a Democrat, from Ohio, in 2004 Who’s next, Howard Stern?
In closing, this question is posed: How long will the American people tolerate Congress putting Israel’s interests BEFORE theirs?
Friday, July 04, 2003
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