Chilling Message from a Suicide Bomber to the World
From BBC News

The full text of the videotape of Mohammad Sidique Khan, one of the four 7 July bombers, which was aired on Arabic television channel al-Jazeera and in which he explains his motives.
A second part of the tape was less clear, but he could be heard saying:" I'm going to keep this short and to the point because it's all been said before by far more eloquent people than me.
And our words have no impact upon you, therefore I'm going to talk to you in a language that you understand.
Our words are dead until we give them life with our blood.
I'm sure by now the media's painted a suitable picture of me, this predictable propaganda machine will naturally try to put a spin on things to suit the government and to scare the masses into conforming to their power and wealth-obsessed agendas.
I and thousands like me are forsaking everything for what we believe.
Our driving motivation doesn't come from tangible commodities that this world has to offer.
Our religion is Islam - obedience to the one true God, Allah, and following the footsteps of the final prophet and messenger Muhammad... This is how our ethical stances are dictated.
Your democratically elected governments continuously perpetuate atrocities against my people all over the world.And your support of them makes you directly responsible, just as I am directly responsible for protecting and avenging my Muslim brothers and sisters.
Until we feel security, you will be our targets. And until you stop the bombing, gassing, imprisonment and torture of my people we will not stop this fight.
We are at war and I am a soldier. Now you too will taste the reality of this situation. "
"I myself, I myself, I make dua (pray) to Allah... to raise me amongst those whom I love like the prophets, the messengers, the martyrs and today's heroes like our beloved Sheikh Osama Bin Laden, Dr Ayman al-Zawahri and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and all the other brothers and sisters that are fighting in the... of this cause.Who is Mohammad Sidique Khan ?
With this I leave you to make up your own minds and I ask you to make dua to Allah almighty to accept the work from me and my brothers and enter us into gardens of paradise."
Born in St. James's Hospital, Leeds, he grew up in Beeston but moved to Lees Holm in Dewsbury, near Leeds in West Yorkshire in early 2005.
His father, Tika Khan, a foundry worker, was born in Pakistan.
His mother is Mamida Begum. He received his secondary education at South Leeds High School, formerly the Matthew Murray High School, which was also attended by Hasib Hussain, the July 7 bus bomber.
Khan was married to Hasina Patel, who is of Indian Muslim descent, a "community enrichment officer," who had worked in schools with special needs pupils. They met at the University of Leeds and married in 2001.
Their daughter, Maryam, was born in May 2004.
Khan worked at Hillside Primary School in Dewsbury as a "learning mentor" with the children of immigrant families who had just arrived in Britain. He was introduced to MPs Hilary Benn and Jon Trickett during his school's trip to the House of Commons in July 2004.
Khan was also involved in the community-run Hamara Healthy Living Centre in Beeston, and worked at its youth outreach project, the Hamara Youth Access Point (HYAP) at 73 Lodge Lane. This premises is one of seven in the Leeds area being examined by police.
Staff at the centre have confirmed that two of the London bombers, Shehzad Tanweer, and Hasib Hussain, frequented the HYAP. Khan used the outreach project as a recruitment centre, according to a friend of his who spoke to The Guardian.
Khan attended the Stratford Street mosque in Leeds.
His mother-in-law, Farida Patel, is also involved in education and works as a council liaison officer at Birkdale School in Dewsbury. In 2004, she was a guest at a Buckingham Palace garden party, where she received an award for her work as a teacher specialising in bilingual studies.
According to his birth certificate, Khan was registered as "Mohammad Sidique Khan". Other spellings of his name include Mohammed Sadique Khan and Mohammad Sadiq Khan.
Parents at the school told the BBC the teaching assistant had been highly regarded by both children and parents.
"He was a good man, quiet," said one parent, speaking outside the school.
"When I told my daughter she said 'no, he can't do something like that'. I had to go and buy the paper and show her."
Another parent, Sharon Stevens, told the Press Association how he had been a "big supporter" of pupils and parents.
"He was really understanding and he did work for the children and parents."
Neighbours told how he was not well-known in the Dewsbury Muslim community, but they believed he was a "very pleasant" person.
One neighbour said: "He didn't seem to be an extremist. He was not one to talk about religion. He was generally a very nice bloke."
Despite the tributes, Mohammad Sidique Khan detonated enough explosives on a Circle Line train to kill seven people.
Documents belonging to him were found near the Edgware Road blast.
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