Its Time for Americans to Stand AGAINST Israel
by "..I grow tired of Israel, whose various deceptions and exploits have graced my writings for years. Has it made a difference? Doubtful. If you aren't already disgusted by Israel's actions, NOTHING I say or do here today will make much difference. And why should we rationalize any American deaths that come as a result? If you look on the events of today as a human being, you cannot see otherwise." Israel opposes international peacekeeping forces yet encourages that children write messages of hate on the missiles that will kill their Lebanese counterparts. If you aren't already disgusted by Israel's actions, nothing I say or do here today will make much difference. As you watch the tragedy continue to unfold, ask yourself the same question.
Matt Hutaff
Read here full article in The Simon
Our elected representatives continue to do everything in their power to protect a nation that undermines us every step of the way.
David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister, once said, "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"
As you watch the tragedy continue to unfold, ask yourself the same question. Why should we accept Israel's theft of Palestinian and Lebanese land?
It's time to stand AGAINST Israel.
-Matt Hutaff
Last month the Toronto Sun published an editorial entitled "It's time to stand with Israel."
Repeated indemnification of Palestine and its supporters aside, it's mainly notable for the title, which insinuates the world is somehow "against" Israel.
It's a funny thing when one considers the current political climate surrounding the rogue nation.
After all, Israel has launched two wars in less than 30 days, one against the Palestinians, the other against Lebanon.
Throughout their aggression, which has seen destruction in the tens of millions of dollars (to say nothing of the incalculable human cost that continues to rise), the Western world has done everything it can to LEGITIMIZE said violence.
American politicians loudly proclaim that we stand united behind Israel while magazines such as Time paint the Middle East as a curiosity.
"Why do they fight?" they ask while ignoring the patently obvious answers:...They're (Israelis) on someone else's land. And they want more of it.
I grow tired of Israel, whose various deceptions and exploits have graced my writings for years.
Has it made a difference?
Doubtful; our elected representatives continue to do everything in their power to protect a nation that undermines us every step of the way.
And we look on and sigh, as if we are not the genesis of all this violence.
We might even reassure ourselves that Israel has the right to defend itself by sending the nation another couple billion dollars.
Before you assuage that guilt, however, consider the following:
The disproportionate level of the attacks is staggering.
Savaging all of southern Lebanon over two soldiers is akin to Mexico destroying the Golden Gate Bridge because two border-crossers died at the hands of a Southern California gang.
Did the IDF really think that leveling airports, bridges and roads would hamper the continued movement of their captured troops?
In the end this will all have been a manufactured conflict to draw Iran, Syria and ultimately the United States into a war with each other.
Even though the vast majority of Americans oppose another battlefield in the Middle East, the Bush administration's unwavering support of Israel means it will fight its ally's fight should Iran or Syria naturally choose to defend themselves.
It gives Bush his war with Iran and it gives Israel its chance to destabilize the region further without worrying about the body count.
After all, it won't be Israeli kids dying.
I could keep going with Israeli acts of treachery and violence but I've reached a saturation point.
If you've reached a saturation point, too, however, make a stand.
Voice your disapproval at the voting booth this year and force any proponents of Israel from Congress.
Demand the AIPAC trial continue (it's been halted several times).
Educate yourself and your peers on how ensconced we are with this tiny Mediterranean country.
David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister, once said, "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"
Perhaps the author of "It's time to stand with Israel" has changed opinions in the wake of eight Canadian deaths in Lebanon.
Maybe the Toronto Sun will push for retribution, for justice. Maybe Canada will adopt the Israeli plan of attack and destroy Tel Aviv's business district. After all, a handful of Canadian citizens apparently merit that level of retaliation.
Regardless, it's time to stand against Israel.
If you look on the events of today as a human being, you cannot see otherwise.
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