Former US President Jimmy Carter BLAMES Israel for Mideast Conflict
See here video clip on the interview with President Carter on Good Morning America
In some of the harshest and one-sided language he has used to date, former Democratic President Jimmy Carter called Israeli "domination" over Palestinians "atrocious" in an interview today on ABC's "Good Morning America."
Carter said there was "no doubt now that a minority of Israelis are perpetuating apartheid on the people in Palestine, the Palestinian people."
Carter called Israel's occupation the "prime cause" of continuing violence in the Middle East.
"And contrary to the United Nations resolutions, contrary to the official policy of the United States government, contrary to the Quartet so-called road map, all of those things – and contrary to the majority of Israeli people's opinion – this occupation and confiscation and colonization of land in the West Bank is the prime cause of a continuation of violence in the Middle East," he said.
"And what is being done to the Palestinians under Israeli domination is really atrocious.
It's a terrible affliction on these people."
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